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Start Shopping Town . Info 37xz3ced, generated for lasyti
Online Shopping >>Terms & Conditions And Site Rules And Policies

Accepted Payment Policy

On we offer various convenient payment options. To help ensure a safe marketplace, as a seller you can only use our approved payment methods. You also must state in your listing which specific payment methods you accept, and you are not allowed to place limits on the form you accept (i.e only accepting Paypal payments for amounts over AUD50)

Sellers may offer any of the following payment options:

  • Paypal or similar authorised payment service providers;
  • Credit card payments

You are not allowed to provide listings where the payment method is sending cash through the mail.

Sellers must ensure that they provide the same payment methods to all buyers, and are not entitled to mislead buyers on the payment method they will accept, ask buyers to use a method not clearly indicated in the listing, or offer a payment method to some buyers and not others.

On we do not allow payment with virtual or crypto-currencies.

End Shopping Town . Info 37xz3ced for lasyti