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Start Shopping Town . Info dcrq34if, generated for lasyti
Online Shopping >> Help

Upload Image

  1. Log In your Account
  2. Hover My Shop
  3. Click Shop Maintenance
  4. Click View/Detail/Upload Image/Delete Image/Delete Item
  5. Click the Icon Upload Image
  6. When you upload Images make sure you upload same match number to your Item input example you create 10 then you decide to replace old first image to a new one you need to select "first image on the item detail" to replace your old 1st image then choose file then upload. your first image will replace to a new one. example again if you want to replace the your 2nd image of your item you need to select "Second image on the item detail" choose file and upload. remember this 1 is to 1 should be match. it depends how many image that you upload to your Item input.
  7. Click the Choose file button to upload a Image. Remember uploading Image must be 150kb only
  8. Click upload
End Shopping Town . Info dcrq34if for lasyti