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» Fee And Surcharge Policy

Fee payments

When you open a seller account or place ads account through you may be advised about what fees you are liable for depened on what account you hold. These are required to be paid before you open or place ads if the account is fee payable. These fees are not refundable.

If you commit to pay commission on the goods and services sold in the, we will send the invoice in respect of those commission for sold goods and services in performance base monthly. The due date for payment of your invoice will be the 7th day of the immediately following month.

If cleared payment is not received by the due date, will subsequently debit your registered credit card. If your account payment is late and/or your credit card transaction fails, you may incur late payment fees, as well as any debit collection fees incurred.

Adding GST

Where GST is applicable on any items you are selling the advertised price must be inclusive of GST. It can not be charged to the buyer as an additional cost on top of the sale price.

Breaches of this policy

Breaching these policies may result in ad cancellation, account suspension and/or loss of fees on cancelled account or ads

End Shopping Town . Info cv4597hz for lasyti